Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Dreaded Dead Week of College

My first semester of college is coming to an end and the dreaded dead week has approached. It is the first of December. While the Christmas lights and music echo feelings of joy, the haunting pile of books to my right reminds me that I still have three papers to write, books to read and exams to study for. My body has been a prisoner in my dorm room all day. I look outside my window and a large tree bears its last leaves as the tapping of the rain reminds me of home. While the weather reminds me of the unopened books on my desk, I am joyful in knowing that in less than two weeks, I will be back in the Monterey Bay with my family.

Thus, I am telling myself not to dread the dreaded dead week of college. There is so much I am thankful for this Christmas season. My college experience has been quite wonderful. No words can reveal how blessed I am for the people I have met, the memories I have made and a wonderful God First education that I am fortunate enough to be receiving. As I enter this week, I will be reminded of the opportunity I even have to be in beautiful Southern California receiving a college education. Hello welcomed dead week of college.